1981 (07) Wedding - Havering 'Trusthouse Forte' Official - But with THREE Cancellations
Unusual Havering 'Trusthouse Forte' Official - But with THREE Cancellations.
This is his Official H/S on a commissioned cover for Trust House Forte - his 'normal' Official didn't have the THF overprint or Queen's Award logo... But he managed to get this one cancelled with three different handstamps, which was against the rules in 1981, as two handstamps was supposed to be the maximum on any cover.... so we have handstamps for the Stamp Issue day (22nd July), then the Royal Fireworks Display (in Hyde Park) (28th July) and finally the actual Wedding Day (29th July)....
Bit of an unusual one, but it does make an interesting addition to any Royalty collection....
Code: 57186
14.99 GBP